The services we offer in Keep Up are all those related to the management and valuation of talent, putting our focus on Executive Search, Recruitment, Selection and Talent Attraction.

Executive search, Talent adquisition & people recruitment

We will analyse, search for and locate the “KEY” personnel you need in your organisation, always aligned with the values and ways of working of your company, as well as validating them with our expertise, which carries out an in-depth analysis of all the professionals on the market. Our way of working is based on carrying out a screening of ALL the market likely to have the profile you are looking for, contacting them without knowing if they might be interested and proposing “your project” to arouse their interest and make them become an “active” candidate. We apply new technologies not only to speed up the process in time (ATS for Big Data and application management), but we also use them and innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to validate the candidate’s potential performance (emotions, skills and personality skills).


Our value proposition applies a proprietary methodology, which aims to give you clear value by reducing risk and maximising the chances of successful integration and candidate performance.

We carry out an exhaustive analysis of the workforce and assess the potential and performance of the “key” people in your organisation. We call it a Talent Audit and its objective is to draw a predictive map of potential.

With this map we will define career plans for high performing employees and on the other hand, we will define succession plans for “key” positions and who are the potential occupants (detection of those employees with a special performance who can contribute more value in other positions).

We are experts both in people management and in taking on the leadership of human resources departments. For this reason, we offer part-time management and leadership services in the people area in organisations where it does not yet exist or in those that, due to their size, do not require a full-time senior figure. Our job will be to translate the business strategy into HR protocols, strategies and actions and to facilitate the assumption of results.

Outplacement Processes. We have helped executives and managers, at the end of their employment relationship, to focus on what they want to find in their immediate future. We help/guide them to clear their doubts, to define their purpose and to draw up action plans to achieve their new professional stage.

And that’s not all! In addition, we have consultants who accompany them in the process and help them locate job offers through our aggregated network of contacts.

We offer you more than 20 years of experience at the head of human resources departments so that you can improve your processes in this area. We are experts in the analysis, definition and re-definition of processes to make yours the most EFFICIENT in your organisation, through work tailored to your reality.


  • Employee evaluation systems (performance) linked to the remuneration policy: being able to evaluate talent with stimulating feedback for the employee is “key” for the tool to be positive and help to improve results.
  • Talent development coupled with leadership growth and guidelines on how to execute it for a highly successful outcome.
  • Onboarding / Welcome or Integration Plans or how to minimise the risk when making a new addition to the company. We have designed many different Onboarding/Welcome/Induction Plans to eradicate any possibility of failure of a new employee in the organization.
  • Process Audits, organisational design and change management and process redefinition to improve efficiency, agility and optimisation of the department’s services. We are experts in helping you improve HR processes, with or without new technologies applied: Job descriptions, job evaluations, training plan structure, employee experience and employee branding, and how to turn this into increased engagement (and therefore employee productivity) or effective home-office systems.


And we can support these same processes (only if they bring you value) with the digitalization: electronic signature, robots, agile collaborative tools, etc…